
Altre Chiese

Senza niente togliere alle presenze e ingerenze del Vaticano nella vita di milioni di persone, di organizzazioni "religiose" al mondo dete al bene dell'umanita' ce ne sono da benedire e santificare. Proprio come il Vaticano, che gode di finanziamenti pubblici e di pubblicita' da parte di mezzi di informazione pubblici e privati, anche le chiese evengeliche, e quelle made in the USA per prime, compartecipano alla promozione di politiche reazionare su "scienza" e "vita" promosse con danaro pubblico. Nel loro agire quotidiano queste chiese stanno anche tentando di dare l'impressione di essere piu' attente ai grandi drammi dell'umanita', buon ultimo l'AIDS, per tentare di sedurre i meno reazionari o conservatori. Leggete qui sotto la conclusione di come il tutto viene presentato da uno dei nuovi "contractors" della reazione.

Robb Sheneberger, M.D.

In this article written for the 2006 Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, Robb Sheneberger examines the global medical approach to the AIDS pandemic and gives practical ways that the Church can address AIDS. Sheneberger is an assistant professor and senior medical technical advisor for the Southern Africa University of Maryland Institute of Human Virology, Zambian Cell.

My vision, my dream, is to see the Church really get it. To see a small African village, impacted by a collection of believers, drag AIDS out in the middle of their village and stomp on its ugly head until it is dead. This includes promoting HIV testing, promoting ARV treatment, promoting adherence, promoting prevention, and caring deeply for those who have suffered loss. The Church can do all this, and we are the Church. Then while in the midst of their victory, they share with their neighboring village the pathway to healing. And so on, and so on, until change is spreading like wildfire. The Church can do this, and we are the Church. We can give, we can learn, we can speak out, we can pray, we can go, and we can even stay. The Church has the opportunity, the example, and the mandate to rise up and be doers of the Word. For the Church, AIDS truly remains an emergency and it is still a ‘race against time.’

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