This is the end, beautiful friend,
This is the end, my only friend.
The end of our elaborate plans,
The end of everything that stands,
The end, no safety no surprise,
The end, I'll never look into your eyes again.
Can you picture what we'll be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some stranger's hand
In a desperate land?
Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane,
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain.
There's danger on the edge of town,
Ride the King's highway, baby.
Weird scenes inside the gold mine,
Ride the highway West.
Ride the snake,
Ride the snake to the lake,
The ancient lake.
The snake is long, seven miles,
Ride the snake.
He's old and his skin is cold.
The West is the best
The West is the best
Get here and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is calling us
The blue bus is calling us
Driver, where're you taking us?
The killer awoke before dawn,
he put his boots on.
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall.
He went to the room where his sister lived
And then he paid a visit to his brother.
And then he, he walked on down the hall
And he came to a door and he looked inside.
"Father?" "Yes, son?"
"I want to kill you. Mother, I want to ..."
Come on, baby, take a chance with us,
Come on, baby, take a chance with us,
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus.
This is the end, beautiful friend,
This is the end, my only friend.
The end, it hurts to set you free,
But you'll never follow me.
The end of laughter and soft lies,
The end of nights we tried to die,
This is the end.
This is the end, my only friend.
The end of our elaborate plans,
The end of everything that stands,
The end, no safety no surprise,
The end, I'll never look into your eyes again.
Can you picture what we'll be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some stranger's hand
In a desperate land?
Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane,
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain.
There's danger on the edge of town,
Ride the King's highway, baby.
Weird scenes inside the gold mine,
Ride the highway West.
Ride the snake,
Ride the snake to the lake,
The ancient lake.
The snake is long, seven miles,
Ride the snake.
He's old and his skin is cold.
The West is the best
The West is the best
Get here and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is calling us
The blue bus is calling us
Driver, where're you taking us?
The killer awoke before dawn,
he put his boots on.
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall.
He went to the room where his sister lived
And then he paid a visit to his brother.
And then he, he walked on down the hall
And he came to a door and he looked inside.
"Father?" "Yes, son?"
"I want to kill you. Mother, I want to ..."
Come on, baby, take a chance with us,
Come on, baby, take a chance with us,
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus.
This is the end, beautiful friend,
This is the end, my only friend.
The end, it hurts to set you free,
But you'll never follow me.
The end of laughter and soft lies,
The end of nights we tried to die,
This is the end.
Perdu', gli ho risposto bene?
mi sa di no, ma ho letto trasversalmente e a un internet point
Ciao Marco, l'anonimo di prima non ero assolutamente io. Il mio commento al post di malvino non era una risposta (il testo di Simone Sapienza ancora non l'ho letto) ma una semplice notazione. Anonimo, chi sei? Non ti vergogni nemmeno un po' di comportarti così?
Marco, io ho un account su blogger, dunque da ora in avanti diffida di coloro che non si firmano "mildareveno" oppure si firmano "mildareveno" ma non hanno fatto log-in prima di postare il commento (sul cannocchiale compare un omino accanto al nick di chi si è loggato, ma anche qui penso ci sia un modo di distinguere i loggati dagli "esterni").
Che stupido, ho capito solo ora che l'anonimo era Ivan Malvino e si riferiva al suo post. Chiedo scusa.
devo dire che non m'ero preoccupato dell'autenticità dei post ;)
"Albè...fatti un po' di Acutil Fosforo..."
Ormai non mi fa più effetto :-) Ciò che mi ha tratto in inganno è il fatto che sia Marco Perduca che Simone Sapienza siano critici nei confronti di Capezzone. Immagino che Perduca condivida quanto scritto da Sapienza. Dunque mi è parsa strana quella domanda e l'ho posta in relazione al mio commento.
Comunque vedo che nei blog di questa piattaforma gli ospiti non sono distinguibili da coloro che hanno un account su blogger. Il commento precedente ("prova") l'ho fatto senza loggarmi ma non appare nulla che lo distingua da questo, che ho fatto dopo il log-in. Ciao a entrambi.
P.S. Sei il Silvano ex forumista? Se sì, mi fa molto piacere rileggerti.
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